With a thorough estate plan in place, it is possible to look to the future with confidence. Through carefully crafted plans, a Florida adult can know that his or her interests are secure and that he or she has the final say over important things that could arise in the future, including potential medical needs. One important way to do this is by including a health care power of attorney as part of an overall legal and financial strategy.
A health care power of attorney is a document that names a specific person to make important medical decisions on behalf of someone else who cannot speak for himself or herself. This may be due to incapacitation from injury, illness or mental defect. The person named to this responsibility must be willing to act in the best interests of the grantor and consider his or her needs first.
As an agent could be tasked with making important life-or-death decisions, it is important to give this designation careful consideration. In most cases, this document works best in conjunction with a living will, which outlines specific medical preferences. It is possible to change the designation of the agent if the original selection is unable or unwilling to carry that responsibility.
With the right documents in place, it is possible to look to the future with confidence. When a Florida adult is creating an estate plan, he or she will benefit from seeking experienced guidance at every step. A knowledgeable estate planning attorney can provide insight regarding the documents one should include in his or her plan.
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