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Apr 15, 2022

Discussing your parents’ need for asset protection planning

Having a conversation with your Florida parents about what could happen after their passing is not an easy conversation to have. Discussions about mortality and long-term needs are never easy, but it is often in…

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Apr 06, 2022

Using a power of attorney to plan for future financial needs

It can be difficult to consider what will happen if one is ever in a position where he or she is unable to make decisions for him or herself due to incapacitation. While this is…

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Mar 16, 2022

Creating a will that will protect your future interests

While you cannot predict the future, there are steps you can take that will allow you a measure of control over certain legal and financial matters. Estate planning provides you a way to have the…

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Feb 26, 2022

Discussing estate planning needs with a partner

It can be difficult to bring up the potential needs one may have in the future or what one wants to happen to his or her assets after passing. A conversation about estate planning can…

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Feb 18, 2022

Should parents of minor children set up a trust?

As a Florida parent, one of your primary goals may be to ensure that your children have the support and care they need today and in the future. While you plan to be around to…

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Feb 15, 2022

What is conservatorship, and should you request it?

Like many adult children in Florida, you may be entering a phase in life where one or both of your parents need your support. Perhaps, your mother or father has recently transitioned to assisted living…

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Feb 12, 2022

Creating an estate plan that benefits a special needs loved one

One of the main reasons why Florida parents take steps to plan ahead is because they want to provide for their children well into the future. Those who have kids with special needs know that…

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Jan 27, 2022

Certain pitfalls could alter the effectiveness of an estate plan

The intent of planning for the future is to have a measure of control over specific matters after passing away, such as the distribution of personal assets. Creating an estate plan allows Florida adults to…

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Jan 13, 2022

Care for family members by planning well and thoroughly

The future is unpredictable, and all Florida adults will find significant benefit in creating a thoughtful estate plan regardless of age or health status. Even young professionals who have yet to create a sizeable estate…

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Jan 05, 2022

What protections do unmarried couples need for the future?

Planning for the future is an important step for couples of all ages and income levels, and it is also a critical step for couples regardless of marital status. Unmarried couples will benefit from estate…

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