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Nov 06, 2022

What will happen during the probate process?

After the death of a loved one, relatives and other interested parties are left with the task of settling his or her estate. This includes paying off remaining debts, distributing assets according to the terms…

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Nov 05, 2022

Misconceptions can impact estate planning efforts

Florida adults delay making long-term plans for many reasons, and these reasons are often based on misunderstandings about legal and financial planning. Estate planning is an important process for each adult, regardless of age, income…

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Nov 04, 2022

Two deaths and important lessons for estate planning

No one can predict the future, but by having certain plans in place, a Florida adult can maintain control over certain legal and financial matters. Failure to have an estate plan can negatively impact families…

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Oct 14, 2022

Does your estate plan need an update?

If you are one of many Florida residents who understood the value of estate planning at an early age, you might already have your documents in place. As the years pass, however, any number of…

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Oct 11, 2022

The difference between conservatorship and guardianship

As we and our parents grow older, we start to hear new words in greater frequency. Usually, these words are in the realm of health and medicine, but occasionally they involve legal matters. “Conservatorship” and…

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Sep 03, 2022

Important questions for those updating their estate plans

Life is constantly changing, and current legal and financial plans may no longer be applicable or wise at some point in the future. This is why it is critical to regularly update existing estate plans.…

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Aug 20, 2022

Developing the most effective estate plan

Planning for the future can be a potentially complex process that requires one to look at his or her long-term goals and objectives for handling personal property in the future. Developing the right estate plan…

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Aug 11, 2022

Read this before signing a will

Do you count yourself among other Florida residents who would rather discuss almost any topic other than personal mortality? It’s not uncommon to want to avoid discussions about your own death. However, you might also…

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Aug 08, 2022

What to expect during the estate administration process

When it is time to settle the estate of a loved one, a Florida family will have to complete certain tasks and navigate the process of settling remaining affairs. This is the estate administration process,…

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Jul 25, 2022

Common mistakes when updating an estate plan

Life is unpredictable. Plans a Florida adult made at a specific time in his or her life may no longer be effective or applicable. This is why estate planning is not a one-time step. It…

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