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Apr 26, 2023

An estate planning conversation with your children

It can be difficult and emotionally challenging to discuss what will happen to personal property after death and other matters that may arise in the future. Older children may be reluctant to discuss these issues…

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Apr 18, 2023

Including pets in an estate plan helps the whole family

It is not easy to consider the future and what will happen to personal assets and wealth after passing away. Some adults create estate plans solely focusing on the preservation of their wealth and how…

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Apr 17, 2023

Why your estate plan should include an advance directive

At some point in life, you might become incapacitated and unable to speak or act on your own behalf. While no one likes to consider such possibilities, especially those who are young, strong and able,…

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Apr 05, 2023

Guardianships versus conservatorships: which is better?

Planning for the future can be a complex and difficult process, especially because you cannot predict the types of care your family and loved ones may need in the future. You want to create an…

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Mar 31, 2023

Not wealthy? You still need an estate plan.

Every adult will benefit from creating a legal and financial strategy for the future. Estate planning is a practical and beneficial step for virtually every adult, even those who do not have a significant amount…

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Mar 19, 2023

The right time to create an estate plan

It can be overwhelming to consider the specific plans one may need for the future. It is never easy to think about the possibility of physical or mental incapacitation, or one’s own mortality, but it…

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Mar 07, 2023

Planning for the care of a pet in an estate plan

Pets are some of the most beloved members of the family, and a Florida adult may want to take steps to ensure that this family member is cared for long into the future. This is…

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Mar 01, 2023

Mistakes could negatively impact your estate planning choices

By creating a plan for the future, a Florida adult can prepare for contingencies, decide what type of health care he or she may want in the future and determine what will happen to personal…

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Feb 15, 2023

Would a conservatorship help your family member?

If your loved one has shown signs of dementia or some other neurodegenerative condition, it is no doubt a strenuous time for your family. You might be visiting Florida nursing homes or assisted living facilities,…

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Feb 13, 2023

The critical documents you should include in your estate plan

Planning for the future can be a complex and often difficult process that involves considering what one wants to happen after his or her passing. It is not easy to think about what will happen…

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