Misconceptions can impact estate planning efforts

Nov 05, 2022

Florida adults delay making long-term plans for many reasons, and these reasons are often based on misunderstandings about legal and financial planning. Estate planning is an important process for each adult, regardless of age, income level, health status and other factors. However, misconceptions about what estate planning requires or what plans are necessary for an individual may keep one from taking important steps to protect future interests.

Common false ideas about estate planning

One common reason for a delay in estate planning is the fact that it can be difficult for one to consider his or her own mortality. While difficult, it is important for each adult to consider what he or she wants to happen to personal property after passing or to make important health care decisions in advance. Additionally, misconceptions over the cost of estate planning may keep one from taking this important step.

People may delay estate planning because they are not comfortable working with a lawyer. While it is possible to create a will without legal help, it is important not to overlook the benefit of having experienced legal guidance. A lawyer can help one create a plan that will provide protection and benefits for years to come.

Looking ahead

For a Florida adult, estate planning may not be a priority. However, it is in the interests of heirs and beneficiaries to have a complete plan in place . By doing this, one can feel confident that he or she has the final say in what happens to personal property and other important matters that could arise in the future.

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