Estate planning involves more than just a will or trust

Nov 15, 2022

There are various steps one can take that will allow him or her to effectively prepare for the future. One of these things is to create an estate plan, typically starting with the creation of a will. Others may also find that creating a trust is a useful addition to their will. While these are critical elements of any estate plan, they are not the only things that one should do in order to protect his or her future.

Additional steps are needed

To have the maximum amount of protection necessary for the future, a Florida adult may benefit from carefully considering his or her long-term goals. A will allows one to determine what should happen to his or her property after passing, and a trust allows one to set aside and protect assets for a specific purpose. These are important things, but this is not all that an adult will need for complete security.

It is also critical to have certain medical documents in place, such as a health care power of attorney and living will. These two things give one the chance to make important medical decisions for himself or herself in case of incapacitation. Another important estate planning step is to regularly update plans as necessary after major life changes, such as a marriage or divorce.

Help at every step

It is beneficial to have estate planning guidance at every step. Working with an experienced Florida estate planning attorney ensures that one has the support he or she needs to face the future with confidence. An assessment of one’s needs can provide insight into what steps are necessary to create a complete and effective estate plan.

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