Author Archives: Douglas Aaron Oberdorfer

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Jun 19, 2021

Planning for the future is important for single adults

Estate planning is process that allows one to make decisions regarding his or her wealth long-term, as well as decide what will happen to property after passing away. It can also provide an opportunity to create plans…

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Jun 08, 2021

Adult children should take a look at their parents’ estate plans

Adult children in Florida will be left with the immense responsibility of settling their parents’ estate at some point in the future. After the parents pass away, loved ones will have to pay remaining debts, locate assets and distribute wealth…

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Jun 03, 2021

Start planning advance directives early

Getting older is not always easy. Though some people may stay in seemingly prime health until their final days, others may struggle with various medical concerns that can leave them needing daily care. Often, these…

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Jun 01, 2021

Steps for creating the most effective estate plan for you

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to estate planning. The right estate plan for a Florida adult depends on his or her specific desires and goals for the future. This means creating a custom plan that…

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May 17, 2021

What does a Florida adult need to know about estate planning?

Planning for the future involves much more than just setting aside enough money for retirement. To have the protection and security that is truly necessary for one’s long-term interests, it is beneficial to have legal…

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Apr 30, 2021

Expectations for the probate process

The passing of a loved one is a devastating event for a family, and to add to the challenge of this time, family members must begin the task of settling his or her estate. Part…

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Apr 16, 2021

Young families benefit from a strong estate plan

Adults in Florida may be tempted to overlook the importance of planning for the future because they assume they are too young or too healthy to really need these types of plans. In reality, adults…

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Apr 02, 2021

The potential tax implications of estate planning decisions

As a Florida adult plans for the future, he or she may consider who to name as heirs and beneficiaries of his or her estate. These estate plans may also include documents regarding disability planning, health care wishes and more. Of course, it…

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Apr 01, 2021

Guardianship or conservatorship: Does your loved one need both?

As many Florida residents age, their mental sharpness begins to decline. You may have noticed some minor concerns with a parent’s or other older loved one’s mental abilities, or your loved one may have already…

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Mar 22, 2021

Is a living trust better than a will?

The right approach to an estate plan depends on the individual’s goals and needs for the future. It is beneficial for adults of all ages and income levels to consider what will happen to their…

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