It can be difficult and emotionally challenging to discuss what will happen to personal property after death and other matters that may arise in the future. Older children may be reluctant to discuss these issues with their Florida parents, and parents may not discuss personal matters with their kids. However, there is a significant benefit to family members having an estate planning conversation with their loved ones.
The estate planning conversation can be difficult as it requires one to discuss their immortality or the possibility of incapacitation in the future. Regardless of the age of the children, it is possible to have positive and appropriate conversations about estate planning and its importance. A beneficial place for parents to start is to simply have a conversation about the basics of their estate plans, explaining their decisions and giving their kids time to ask questions.
If the kids are younger adults, this conversation can be a beneficial way to introduce the benefit of having an estate plan of their own. When the parents are open about their plans, it may encourage their kids to also consider their future wishes. The right approach to discussing estate planning decisions depends on the ages of the kids, their maturity levels and ability to understand certain sensitive issues.
The intent of estate planning is to give a Florida adult the ability to maintain control over certain aspects of his or her future. Before discussing plans with kids, it is important to first have a strong plan in place. To accomplish this goal, it will be helpful to discuss matters with an experienced estate planning attorney.
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